Watson Glaser 4: Inferences

Watson Glaser 4: Inferences

You will be presented with a text and a statement. You must indicate whether the statement is

  • True
  • Probably true
  • Insufficient information
  • Probably not true
  • Not true

In contrast to deductions, in this case you should not base your answe solely on the text. The answers "true" or "not true" must follow entirely from the text. For the answers "probably true" or "probably not true", you should evaluate the information in the text based on your general knowledge of the subject. If no conclusion can be drawn about the statement based on the text, the answer is "insufficient information".

In a survey of 750 young adults, job security and work environment were found to be the most important factors in choosing the first job. In a survey of 100 employers, it appeared that employers assume that salary and career opportunities are the most important factors for people who apply for a first job with the employer.

For young adults applying for a second or third job in their career, job security and work environment are of no importance.

Probably false. If job security and work environment are the most important factors in choosing the first job, it is very unlikely that these factors are of no importance to a next job.

We work out three examples and then you can do three practice problems.
