Number Series Explanation 6 - Fractions

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Always scan a fraction series for “illogical” fractions. Sometimes a number will be written as 3/12, for example. This is the same as ¼. It is sometimes important to write down the fractions in different ways in your head (or on a piece of paper), otherwise it is sometimes impossible to solve a sequence with a pattern above and below the division line. For example:


9/15? Why not 3/5 or 6/10? Furthermore, there is no clear pattern at first glance. Rewrite the fractions to see if a logical sequence applies:


Above line 1 is added every step and below line 2 is added every step:


The answer is 7/12.

Tip: Very few people can solve these kinds of problems and they will not appear often in most assessments. If you're not comfortable with fractions at all, you can better focus on the other patterns.
